Monday, 24 October 2011

Wasdale Show 2011 - an ode to terrier racing

Ok, so this is a bit late - sorry, but life's hectic. Anyway, Wasdale show took place on Saturday 8 October and it's fair to say the weather was not ideal (misty, wet and cold) but that didn't dampen the spirite of the brave attendees and participants.

                                    This shot captures the show and conditions - but not the
                                     spirit that shines through no matter what the weather

BBC Countryfile was filming at the show to present a  prize for a photo taken by Whitehaven’s Derrick Young at the show last year. I think the photo was of the shepherds crook competition and as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery my version can be seen below ...

The Countryfile feature will be aired on 13 November - must tie a knot somewhere to remind myself.

     Moving on, here's in a plug for the excellent
       West Cumbrian  Hartley's Ice Cream who were at the
 show as usual, struggling somewhat with the weather
 but nontheless brightening peoples' day as usual         

Of course the show had an excellent selection of activities to entertain people - hound trailng, fell running, vintage machinery, dog show (and of course the beer tent) - but as usual the highlight of the day was the incomparable terrier  racing - I still don't believe this hasn't been picked up by Simon Cowell as the next X Factor.

Anyway, here's a few snippets of the racing activity  -

               This little dog caught my eye before the racing started
                      - and when the owner said they were going to enter him
                          into the racing I knew  there would be some classic moments
           - more on this later!

  Putting the dogs into the traps - this is where
 trust between owner and dog plays an 
important part in retaining all your fingers

.....and the racing attracts a field from far and wide...
Here we have Holly from Hackney (white, with black ear)
with her human , David, and
Skipper from Hampshire with his human Nick
- and just in shot it's that little local dog I mentioned before....

...and thereby hangs a tale (tail?) - because as Nick was trying to put Skipper into the trap they discovered a dog that hadn't left the trap in the previous heat - and of course it was 'that' little dog, clearly a little timid and perhaps not cut out for terrier racing. 

... that trap did seemed to be jinxed, as once Skipper was put in the trap and the race started he came out of the gate backwards - nil point, and a long way back to Hampshire.

...and finally, an action shot from one of the heats
- notice the dog on the left leaving that jinxed gate
 and not looking like a winner.

So well done to all those involved in making another memorable Wasdale show. It's always on the second Saturday in October so make a note in your diary for next year - and don't forget to bring your terrier.

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